Style Screen - do you like our software Interface?
Copyright SmartPatterns Inc.
CLICK on the picture above to increase its size for a better view.
Here it is...first time ever show to the public! What do you think of:
1) the overall look
2) the buttons at the top
3) what does it say to does it make you feel
We will be releasing the next screen shot shortly.
BTW I think the interface looks great...but does ir actually work?
It does work. We are in Alpha now, and are implementing the inteface you see. We will be releasing the Beta version this summer so that a limited number of knitters can test it.
It looks nice - will it allow you to design a pattern with cables and/or a lace pattern and adjust the instructions accordingly, including gauge. This is my beef with knitting programs thus far.
cables & gauge:
Version one is Stockinette and aimed at beginners to intermediate. Future version will become more sophisticated.
As to gauge, we would like more input on this subject. Would individual prefer to put in their own guage or change needle size to accomodate the guage in the pattern?
I like when you have in place so far. I'm very much looking forward to checking out functionality. I would love to beta test when the time comes (I have some extensive beta experience, as well as tech and manual writing as well)
To your gauge question, as someone who likes different firmness to different articles of clothing, the ability to alter a recommended gauge would be a HUGE plus!
(and ps? You may want to open comments to people other than blogger users. I have a blogger account but I blog using wordpress, so you may be limiting the number of comments you can get by blocking others out.)
You may want to open comments to people other than blogger users:
DONE! Thanks. Let me know if there are any other issues with posting your comments.
This sounds like a great program. Will Mac users be able to use this? I also think that the ability to change guage is a big positive.
Hi - looks like a great program. Anything in the works for those of us who knit on looms and rakes?
Mac users:
We figure by next year Mac will have out their dual operating system which will allow you to run both Windows and Mac applicaitons. {fyi...there is an opensource product called bootcamp that I have been told works well at running windows programs on macs}
If for some reason Apple's new operating system fails to accomodate our software we will visit the Mac issue as we have had several users now ask.
Nice idea. Someone by the name of Anne contacted us directly indicating a similar interest.
We definitely want to pursue this! But, we are swamped in getting version 1 out there, so if all those who are avid loomers (is that a word?) could please contact us in the fall upon release of v1.0 to address loom knitting we would appreciate it.
We are going to make every effort to listen to you and build a product that you love, so please don't feel discouraged if we don't immediately take on your idea. We have a few hands at work thus we can only handle a few projects at a time.
Keep the input coming.
I like the idea of picking your own gauge. Makes it easier for alterna-kitters out there and people who maybe cant see well enough to use finer gauge.
Interface looks great. Very simple and clean. Kind of like an online shopping site a bit. Everything looks well placed and organized. WANT TO TRY IT OUT!!! :)
I like the simple interface of it. Would definitely prefer to be able to adjust the gauge. And I would LOVE to be able to use it for looming as well!
Looks good. I think it would be extremely helpful if we could put in our own gauge as well. That would help when using different yarns and needles for a pattern.
I really like the interfacde; clean, simple, but with lots of possibilities. I agree with the other comments about gauge; I would like to be able to pick my own. Can't wait to test this! It looks easier to navigate than some of the other design software out there.
I think the interface is beautiful... very clean. But from that screen shot, I'm wondering how flexible the program is. Will it come set up only for specific types of garments such as sweaters? I may be interested in beta testing also... I have a background in tech support.
You have a lot of wasted space there. Knitters are people who are accustomed to reading very dense patterns and schematics... you don't need to hold back for us. There isn't a need, for that audience, to make the screen "look" simple. Knitting is complex. We can handle it. In all that white space I think you could probably supply more detailed information (and more functionality) on that screen than you are.
That "9 of 15"... is that referring to the number of styles you have to choose from? Clicking between screens is a lot more effort than deciphering smaller graphics, and trying to remember each design as the page refreshes is even more mental effort you're requiring of the user. You should put all 15 on one page. Paging through them one-by-one is not memorable enough to allow the user to make a comparison, to choose the one they actually want. In light of that task, this screen doesn't really work. You might also want to consider a catalog page layout combined with shopping cart metaphor, to allow us to refine our choices as we make them.
Having said that...
I think the visual style is great. Friendly, clean, non-threatening. Your actual depiction of the sweater style doesn't really tell me much though. I would use some of that white space to *describe* the style in words (e.g., "cropped raglan mock turtle"). We know what that means, even if the picture isn't 100% accurate.
btw... I'm an information architect/user experience specialist/usability person/UI designer/whatever you want to call what I do. If you want more advice from a knitter who also designs purposeful software (in the education industry), I'll be glad to throw in more pennies of opinion.
Thank you, we agree. We are in the process of making some of these changes to v1.0. The balance of your recommendations will come in v2.0 that you will help define - yes, you. We will be in touch and the team is looking forward to your input.
We would love to speak with you, but need to know how to get intouch. Please register on our web site at and please update your profile so we can contact you or drop us an email at so we can follow up. If you have a skyp number, please include it.
I am very interested in your program, I am a linux user and I am hoping you will have a linux version. I would be happy to be your linux version tester :)
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